Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life Goes to a Party

In the past, Dartmouth's Winter Carnival used to be known as the Nation's premier winter party. Hundreds of girls from college all over the north-east would come to Dartmouth's winter wonderland for an exciting weekend of parties, dancing, and winter sports.

Skier Dick Dorrance flies through the air as part of the Ski Jump Contest

In 1937, Life magazine, as part of its regular feature "Life Goes to a Party", visited Winter Carnival, and took pictures of the festivities.

The last Snow Queen was crowned in 1972, the same year coeducation began

No Dartmouth Weekend is complete without a proper dance party

While some things have changed, (there are no more tuxedo balls anymore, or a Winter Carnival Queen for example) some things remain the same. Amazingly, AD still remains one of the top socials spots on campus, although the boys in 1937 didn't have the Animal House mystique.

I wonder when the fraternities stopped having tuxedo balls? Certainly, no fraternity dressed up in white tie for formal today.

Another tradition that seems to have fallen by the wayside is the Snow Sculpture contest held by the Fraternities each year. I know that Fraternities still made sculptures up until the mid-80s, (Sig-Nu got in trouble in 1985 for their sculpture of a woman's breast being pierced by a sword) but by the 90s the tradition had died out. Unfortunately, apathy, not change, proves to be the enemy of most Dartmouth traditions.

You can look at the Complete articles here:
Life Magazine: February 22, 1937

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